Anna Fierst

Anna Eleanor Fierst is a current Board Member of the WNDC Educational Foundation and Past President of the WNDC (2013–2016). For many years before taking a leadership role at the WNDC, Fierst used her background in publication management and marketing for the non-profit, for-profit, and association sectors to produce a monthly newsletter for the WNDC. Previously (22011–2013), she was Vice President of Administration.In addition, she served on the board of the Washington Free Clinic in NW Washington, and for several years on the Board of Maryland Classic Youth Orchestras. Currently, she serves on the Board of the Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill. For the Educational Foundation, Fierst has participated as an interviewer and active participant in oral history projects to document the lives of women in Washington DC. In addition, she has facilitated the WNDC-EF’s annual calendars/planner.. She holds a BA in history from Columbia University.